سلسلة شوم التعليمية Collection of Schaum's Outlines
[Schaum's Easy Outlines] Beginning Chemistry By Belzy
Advanced Calculus (Schaum's Outlines), 2nd ed - R. Wriede, S. Spiegel (2002) WW
Basic Electricity
Bookkeeping and Accounting
Bronson, R._Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Matrix Operations
Digital Principles
Electronic Devices and Circuits
Electronics - Schaum's Outline - Theory & Problems of Basic Circuit Analysis
Elementary Algebra
English Grammar
Gottfried B.S. Schaum's Outline of Visual Basic (Schaum,2001)(ISBN 0071356711)(224s)
Math - Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Beginning Calculus
Mathematics - Schaum'S easy Outline Of Differential Equations
Mathematics - Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Advanced Calculus
Mcgraw Hill - Schaum Schaum's Outline Of Strength Of Materials (Schaum,1998)(Isbn 0070466173) Ege
McGraw Hill - Schaum's Easy Outline - Biology
McGraw Hill - Schaum's Easy Outlines - Electric Circuits (4th edition) - Nahvi, Edminister
Mcgraw-Hill - Biology, 6Ed (2002)
McGraw-Hill - Chemistry Demystified - 2003
Mcgraw-Hill - Differential Equations (Schaum's Easy Outlines) - 2003 - (By Laxxuss)
McGraw-Hill - Quantum Mechanics Demystified - A Self-Teaching Guide - 2006
Mcgraw-Hill - Schaum's Outline - Software Engineering
McGraw-Hill - Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Logic
McGraw-Hill - Schaum'S Outlines - Probability, Random Variables And Random Processes, 1997 McGraw-Hill - Theory and Problems of Electronic Devices and Circuits, 2nd Ed [Schaum's Outlines]
McGraw-Hill,.Schaum's Outline of Beginning Finite Mathematics.[2004.ISBN0071388974]
McGraw-Hill,.Schaum's Outline of Beginning Statistics.[1998.ISBN0070612595]
McGraw-Hill,.Schaum's Outline of Programming with C, 2nd Edition.[1996.ISBN0070240353]
Principles of Economics
Programming with Visual Basic
Schaum's College Physics
Schaum's Easy Outline - Molecular and Cell Biology
Schaum's Easy Outlines - Differential Equations Crash Course
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Beginning Chemistry
Schaum's Outlines - Astronomy
Schaum-General Topology
Schaums Easy Outlines Probability and Statistics (2001)
Schaums Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables
Schaums Outline of Human Anatomy and Physiology
Theory and Problems of Engineering Thermodynamics
Writing Great Short Stories
Zaarur E. Schaums Outline of Quantum Mechanics
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
كم كنت اتمنى لو كانت سلسلة شوم المترجمه للعربية فالمكتبة العربيه فقيره بالكتب الهندسيه وحاجتنا كبيرة لكتب هندسيه بلغتنا
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وجزاكم الله خيرا
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مجهود يذكر فيشكر
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مدونتي نت
جزاك الله خيراً
جزاك الله خيرأً
شكراً كثيراً على المجهود ،، و لكن الكتاب schaum for advanced mathematics من الكتب الهامة و لكنه غير موجود
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