إلى الزوار الكـــرام ..

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

مرحباً بكل الضيوف في مدونتي، التي أتمناها أن تكون شجرة ظليلة يتفيأ ظلها المبحرون في عالم النت، فإذا استمتعوا بظلها ترحموا على غارسها. كما أتمناها أن تكون عيناً سلسبيلاً لا ينضب معينه يعب منه كل مار عليها ، فإذا أشبعوا عطشهم قالوا : " الله يرحم الوالدين " .. فمرحباً لنفيد ونستفيد

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بحث المكتبة الإلكترونية المميزة

الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2011

The Story of Civilization .. Will Durant - Arabic Edition

The Story of Civilization

by husband and wife Will and Ariel Durant, is an eleven-volume set of books covering Western history for the general reader। The volumes sold well for many years, and sets of them were frequently offered by book clubs.

The series was written over a span of more than four decades, and it totals four million words across nearly 10,000 pages, but is incomplete. In the first volume (Our Oriental Heritage, which covers the history of the East through 1933), Will Durant stated that he wanted to include the history of the West through the early 20th century. However, the series ends with The Age of Napoleon because the Durants both died in the 1980s – she in her 80s and he in his 90s – before they could complete additional volumes.


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